Why should I install EV charging stations?

In terms of sustainability EV charging stations will help you reach your goals and ultimately contribute to a better environment. There are many rebates and incentives available that make the financial justification for installing EV charging stations. Reasons to consider installing EV charging stations vary depending on vertical market but many are universal. There are benefits if you are in the real estate market for example including retaining tenants, charging residents for electricity, attracts high value demographic, and meets sustainability goals. Our team can assist in determining the direct benefits to you.

What types of EV chargers are there?

There are a variety of EV charging products on the market. Our team has relationships with all major product vendors which allows us to deliver the best solutions at the lowest prices after identifying the most effective solution to fit your specific requirements.

Do I need to upgrade my electrical panel?

An electrician can help you determine your needs. In many cases for Level 2 and Level 3 charging types, modifications and upgrades to electrical infrastructure are needed.

How will it affect my energy usage?

Our team consults with electrical contractors that will assess your energy needs. Based on your charging level needs and scope of work on your project your energy usage will fluctuate. Luckily, you earn compensation for the electricity from your tenants for example in real estate and there are other ways to offset your increased energy cost. Our team can assist you in calculating your cost versus estimates monetary gain from users of your EV charging stations.

What are the electric vehicle charging levels?

Level 1 – Is known as basic charging and provides 120 volts AC which is alternating current. It will typically take 3-7 hours to charge PHEVs and 9-120 hours for BEVs. A typical 120-volt account is used for charging your vehicle. There should be a dedicated circuit for the charger.

Level 2 – Is known as fast charging and provides 240 volts AC. It will typically take 1-3 hours to charge PHEVs and 4-8 hours for BEVs. A charging station is required and an electrician will assess if upgrades or modifications to a property main electrical panel or circuits are needed.

Level 3 DC – Is known as very fast charging and provides 480 volts DC. It will typically take 5-20 minutes to charge your EV vehicle 80% for PHEVs and 10-30 minutes for BEVs. More complex installation and infrastructure upgrades are usually required.

What are the different rebates and incentives for installing EV stations?

The local, state, and federal government are providing credits, rebates, and other incentives to real estate owners, developers, and other commercial and public agency clients. The rebates that apply to you will vary depending on your project specifics and overall scope of work. Consult with our team to identify what EV charging station rebates apply to your project at no cost to you.

How much does installation cost?

Installation costs vary depending on your charging level needs, size and complexity of electrical infrastructure needs, EV charging hardware purchased, number of electrical vehicles charging stations, etc. Our EV Experts can provide a detailed scope of work and cost to determine your options and best course of action.

Will your EV chargers work on all vehicles?

There are EV charging products that work on all vehicles. We have relationships with product vendors that provide the best technology to meet all vehicle needs. Based on your requirements our EV Experts will recommend the best charging options.

What are the financial benefits of EV chargers?

Electricity is cheaper than gas. You will appreciate the financial saving of EV charger installation. Not only are rebates and incentives available, but you can also charge your residents for charging, for example.

How long will installation take?

Based on the size and complexity of your EV charging needs, installation can take a few days to a couple weeks. Our team will assist by providing an accurate scope of work and contract duration so you know exactly what to expect.

Will you submit all required permits and oversee inspections if required by the city?

Yes, our team will submit the required permits and deal with the inspections required by the city. Our contacts at the city will ensure smooth permit and inspection approval so your project moves forward efficiently.

Why should I use EV Experts services?

Our team is knowledgeable, proactive, and determined to provide the best service to our clients. Our EV Experts will help you identify the best product solution to fit your requirements, design and permit your project, pick the best site for installation, hire the most qualified electrician for smooth delivery, and assist with maintenance of your EV charging stations.

What are the environmental benefits of EV chargers?

Electric vehicle chargers are much more efficient than fuel powered vehicles and much better for the environment by eliminating carbon emissions.

How much will maintenance cost?

Maintenance costs fluctuate depending on your EV charging solution. We want to make the maintenance of your stations as seamless as possible. Our team will assess and provide a tailored maintenance plan for your specific needs.